
Good morning fellow bloggers!


I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but I don’t actually use my real name on here…(everyone definitely noticed).

Why have I chosen to be hidden?

  • First of all, I don’t want anyone I know to know too much about me or to know that what I’ve written is actually about me and what I’ve experienced.
  • Secondly, I find it a lot more exciting being able to express myself so openly without the feeling of being judged.
  • Lastly, I feel like Batman with a mask on giving me the confidence to fight bad guys and stuff…(it’s a legit reason).

Have I hidden it from everyone?

Yes pretty much, the only person who knows I have a blog is my boyfriend, but I refuse to tell him my name or let him read any of my posts…(as much as he begs to read about me). I don’t know why, I just like having something a little more personal to myself y’know. Even my family don’t have a clue! I think it’s the best way for me to do this.

The only way someone who may know me would figure out this was me is if they look at some of the imagery I have used in my posts. Or if you know me inside out and read all my posts you’ll know, but I doubt that.

Why is it a positive thing?

I think we can all agree it’s a lot easier to communicate with people we wouldn’t have a chance to without blogging with the persona we express…and it’s quite character building in my opinion.

I don’t particularly lack confidence, but I have met many people who have struggled with their self esteem and self expression when I was a tutor for younger people. This is quite sad to see and I wish that I had discovered word press blogging earlier to share it as a way for people that do find it tough to open up and somewhat self medicate…(breathe after that long sentence).

Why should we all recommend blogging?

Since starting my blog I have recommended it to a few people, one person being my mum. She has recently retired (party poppers go off), and I think it would be good for her to have this little pass time that takes up an hour or so of your day. It is something interesting to have as part of your routine which a lot of us lack. May I also mention keeping our minds active.

Blogging allows you to find like minded people who share the same interests as you and find things that you may not have discovered before and find very engaging to read.

I personally look forward to seeing where blogging can take me and hopefully come across many more lovely bloggers to add to the ones I already have!


Moral: It’s okay to be yourself, it’s okay to be who you want to be as long as you stay true you’re golden!

18 thoughts on “Signed…Anonymous

  1. kartikeya1997

    It was really nice coming across your post. I am a newbie writer here(I made my account yesterday only, haha) and I seriously need people to guide me through the complexities of WordPress ( I do write on Quora, but again, WordPress is an entirely different ecosystem). You are very right about the ‘privacy’ issues.
    Keep writing πŸ™‚

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