A-Z Experiences

Hello Fellow Bloggers! Me Again!


I know I’ve already posted today, but when I get a thought I have to write it down ASAP or I’ll forget it (my memory is like a sieve).

I want to do an A-M (N-Z tomorrow) of my uni/work life so far which was inspired by a blog post I just came across….here we go:

A – Adolescence: going to university is kind of like the end of these years and you now have to become responsible for yourself as the adult you are.

B Booze: I think we all know what goes on at university regarding this! Yes sometimes, some of us consume a lot of it and end up throwing up blue sparkly spirits in our nice clean toilet...(I couldn’t help it okay).

C Clubbing: I think everyone needs to experience a university night club if they have the opportunity. Your routine is based around this. A common conversation I had with my best mate:

Her: Are you coming out tonight?

Me: Nah, can’t be bothered.

Her: Go on…

Me: FIIIINE you’ve convinced me…(doesn’t take a lot)

D – Driving: When I first passed my driving test I was soooo happy, being able to drive and have my own car gives me so much freedom. Do I take my car to uni? No, I prefer to walk into my lectures like most other students, plus you get to see new faces everyday. I brought my car up when exams had finished so I could go a bit further out and not be so limited, but either way it’s awesome!

E – Eating Well: This can be a problem for many people at uni. Luckily in my first year I didn’t gain any weight…I may have even lost some! Second year was a different story! I think I gained well over a stone, partly from being in a relationship where you both just want to sit and watch things whilst you eat nice food. Now…I am facing the repercussions and have changed my lifestyle. Since the beginning of this year I have lost a stone and am on a path to a healthier me (something I have always longed for). 

F – Food: Now we all know that the majority of students are on a budget and may have little cooking skill. Luckily my lovely mother taught me how to survive cooking for myself over many years. One thing I loved doing was making the flat roast. The fact that I knew how to cook a chicken without getting ill baffled my housemates!

G – Groceries: Something I discovered at university was getting your food shopping delivered! I mean I knew it existed, but I never used it before then. I LOVE it. My housemates and I would do our weekly shop online and have a race for whose delivery would arrive first. It was like a present from me to me!

H – Housework: Now this was a massive problem in my second year house because there was 11 of us in one house using one kitchen and one living area (I would advise anyone never to do this). I don’t mind if people want to keep their rooms in a state, but when it comes to communal areas…it’s a no from me. I always felt like the nagging mother, but when there’s a science lab of bacteria growing by your sinks I think I kept quite calm about it!

I – Intelligence: I’m not the smartest of people, I didn’t get the best grades in school, but I work really hard and have gotten myself to where I am today through my determination which I guess can indicate a glimmer of intelligence. However, grades do not define you people!

J – Job: At university I personally didn’t have a job because I wanted to give myself the best chance of achieving high without an added pressure and time taken away from my studies. I think in my final year I will be looking for a job that isn’t in retail (not had good experiences) so I can kind of look forward to work and earn some extra money!

K – kinaesthetic learning: Is a learning style in which the learning takes place by students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations. This is the way that I learn and I have had to adapt myself to make it work withing my university studies.

L – Love: This is something you see around everyday…Valentines is coming up! You hear all the time how people met at university and are still together now. I am lucky that I have found it and fall into that stereotype, but I think there’s too much pressure around to find someone these days. Tinder, Plenty of Fish, Bumble, Badoo…the list goes on, yes I did used to be on a few, but after having over 25,000 messages I thought it’d be best if I delete them. Despite being in a relationship I STILL receive creepy messages from guys.

M – Money: Majority of students struggle with this, lets not lie. I managed to keep myself afloat by making smart decisions, but I also made some bad decisions. One of these being I kept ordering bubble tea from Deliveroo. What is bubble tea you ask…AMAZING…there’s a picture below, it’s a fruity or milky drink with little flavour filled bubbles you pop in your mouth! I did however manage to keep my weekly food shop to £25 a week which I think is pretty good.

bubblelicious tea.jpg