Jelly Legs!

Good morning fellow bloggers!

Monday is here again and I’m not happy about it. Let’s start a petition to cancel Mondays…all in favour?


Today I feel like a jellyfish…yes a jellyfish. Why? You might ask. Well I’m glad you did because here it is (you have no choice).

jelly fish.jpg

Jellyfish pic

Over the weekend I was finally able to join the gym again. I had to give up going last year due to having surgery on both of my feet. However, now I am well, and fit enough to go and get back into my healthy lifestyle. Sometimes these unexpected events crop up and stop us from doing the important things we had as part of our routine. I won’t lie I was thrown off the wagon and was being dragged by my heels for quite a while. Enough is enough I’ve climbed back on and I’m firmly strapped in.

At the start of this year I changed my diet, flipped it upside down. From a whole multi-pack of crisps and all the doughnuts I could get my hands on until I was stuffed, to smoothies, chicken, fruit and veg. A big change can shock your body, but in a good way to boost the weight loss you might be desperately looking for. For me there was no better time than the start of the year. I could really set out some clear, realistic goals and I can happily say that I am over a stone down…BUZZING!

I would say the key point here is being realistic and making changes that are sustainable for you. If you set your aims too high you are more likely to revert back to your old ways. In the back of my head I always heard my boyfriend saying ‘It takes around 3 weeks to settle into a new routine’. Perseverance and determination allowed me to change myself for the better and I’m well into my new routine. I have a way to go yet, but finally I feel like I’m going in the right direction.

Back to my jellyfish statement…

So I went to the gym both Saturday and Sunday. I thought, I’ll ease myself into this I don’t want to be falling over the next day. Half an hour on the bike and ten minutes on a stepping machine. OH MY GOD I CAN’T FEEL MY LEGS! I mean, I did push myself a little, but I didn’t expect to be trembling today.


Not only was it my legs, but my butt is killing me from the solid bike seat too…sorry not sorry.

I do like the pain though because I know I’ve worked hard and I should see results soon enough…hopefully.


Moral: Don’t let things get in the way of you achieving your goals, be patient and your time will come!

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